Friday, May 13, 2011

¿Cual es mejor?

I decided to compare my apartment here in Teguz to the last apartment I lived in in Ptown. I already mentioned that the quality is better in the apartment I live in now. I think it’s sad considering I now am living in a third world country. I am taking into consideration that this apartment is in Honduras while my old one was in the United States, which means I think it’s awesome to be in Central America to begin with, and I’m looking at the apartment taking into consideration how people in Honduras usually live. Okay, here goes my list of comparisons:

1. Management actually cares- Where I lived in Ptown our concerns always fell on empty ears. Aquí, the manager of the building called us a few days after we moved in to make sure everything was in good condition for us. We told him everything was great; there was only a minor problem of our toilet leaking, which was interesting to explain since neither of us knew the word for toilet in Spanish. They promptly fixed the problem. Aquí: 1 Ptown: 0

2. The stove here is electric, but the one in Ptown was gas. My personal preference is electric. Aquí: 2 Ptown: 0

3. The microwave here is way better. That’s not hard to accomplish considering the microwave at my old apartment is literally older than I am. Aquí: 3 Ptown: 0

4. The kitchen here is pretty small. K and I can both fit in it, but once we’re both in we’re stuck. I don’t like cooking anyways though, so that doesn’t matter so much to me. I’ll give the point to my old apartment though since it is sadly losing. Aquí: 3 Ptown: 1

5. K and I witnessed a man preparing to use the street as his toilet yesterday. While you would think this would give Ptown a point, I believe I have to withhold points from both locations because it was in Ptown that a crazy naked guy chilling in our hot tub had to be escorted out of our apartment complex by five policemen. Also, the incident here was actually a few streets away from our apartment complex, not in it. Aquí: 3 Ptown: 1

6. We have a maid who is paid to clean our apartment every day. She has already done our laundry twice, and we haven’t even been here a week. In Ptown I had a wonderful roommate who did clean our apartment and even did my laundry, but I have to say that having a paid maid is better. I always felt a little guilty having K clean up after me. Aquí: 4 Ptown: 1

7. We have hot water here. Okay, so you might be saying, “what? In a third world country you have hot water, but you didn’t in Ptown?” Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Okay, so maybe not exactly. For like a month and a half to two months in January and February my apartment in Ptown didn’t have hot water in the mornings. It wasn’t cold water, but it definitely wasn’t hot either. I think it’s pretty sad, actually, but another point for the apartment in a third world country. Aquí: 5 Ptown: 1

8. The apartment here comes with two tvs. For me this isn´t a huge deal since I don´t watch much tv anyways, but it is cool that it comes with two tvs. My apartment in Ptown definitely didn’t. Aquí: 6 Ptown: 1

9. The internet here is faster. That would be a plus, except my computer has issues. Apparently it can only recognize wireless networks, and we don’t have a wireless router. So I am posting this from K’s computer. It’s very annoying, and we don’t know where to buy a wireless router here. I will call this one a tie. Aquí: 6 Ptown: 1

10. We have geckos and lizards here! Some people may see this as a negative thing, but I think it is cool. I hardly ever saw lizards or geckos as a kid, and was fascinated by them when I saw them all the time on my mission. I never saw any in/around my apartment in Ptown. Aquí: 7 Ptown: 1

11. The apartment here has lots of windows to open and is way better ventilated. In Ptown it was impossible to get any air flow in my apartment. It isn’t super hot here luckily, but it is hot enough to also note that there is no AC. With the fans and windows it cools off mostly though, so I will have to consider this another tie. Aquí: 7 Ptown: 1

12. Finalmente, lo mejor de este apartamento es el patio. There is a patio area that we share with the apartment complex. It’s huge- there are two bathrooms outside (for when we host parties), a kitchen area, a barbeque, a table with some chairs, and a wonderful view of Tegucigalpa. I think this merits two points for Teguz. Aquí: 9 Ptown: 1

Final Score- Aquí: 9 Ptown: 1

Clearly my apartment here wins.

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