Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Graduation numero cuatro

We just graduated our fourth group today. It was a big group- on the first day 24 people came. It was a lot more people than any of the other groups we've taught, but things ran smoothly and it was a really good group. 16 people graduated today; here they are:

It was fun because this group decided to have a party when we got done today, so they all planned ahead to bring different things like cake, tamales, and golocinas. K made lemonade, too, which is fitting because throughout the workshop they make a business plan for fake lemonade stands.

On a different note, lately I've been noticing a lot of things that cost way less here. For example, K and I went to the distribution center the other day and bought two Conference Ensigns for L 6(which is like 30 cents, 15 cents each). I thought I heard wrong when I heard 6, like maybe it was 106, but no, it's just that cheap. Other things at the distribution center cost way less, too. Like, most of it seemed like normal US distribution center pricing, but other stuff was significantly cheaper than it is in the US. I will definitely have to take advantage of that while I'm here. It isn't just stuff at the distribution center though. We went to get haircuts on Saturday. It cost L 140, which is about $7, to get my hair washed and cut. This place wasn't like the crappy places you can go to in the US for a $12 haircut, either. It wasn't like a super nice place, but they did an excellent job, and it definitely cost way less than it would have in the states.

And, here's another song I really like that's pretty popular: Mi niña bonita by Chino y Nacho.

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