Thursday, June 9, 2011

Olga 'Algo' Herrera

Today has been a very busy day. First, we taught the last portion of our third workshop, so we graduated nine more people. Yay! Then we spent much of the afternoon making calls to people about our taller that starts on Monday, which we now have 11 people signed up for. I am not really a phone person- I don't like making calls in English, and I like even less calling people in a language that I'm not super comfortable with. Well, today I had one very interesting phone conversation. I was calling a lady on a list from a bishop of about ten members who he thought might be interested in our workshop. There's not really a good way to describe how this conversation went, so I will try to write it out as best as I can remember. Oh, I'm renaming the guy Bob.

Bob: Alo

Yo: Hola, Se encuentra Olga

Bob: ¿Quien? ¿Oscar?

Yo: No… se encuentra Olga, Olga… – uh (Realizing there was no way I could pronounce her second name, which started with an X and was most definitely Mayan, I decided to explain why I was calling, hoping later in the conversation the guy would understand "Olga" and go get her)Pues, estoy llamando del Centro de Recursos de Empleo SUD, y quiero invitar a Olga a un taller de Autoempleo que vamos a tener la semana que viene.

Bob: Lo siento, no entiendo.

Yo: (Mas lento y con mejor pronunciacion)- Estoy llamando del Centro de Recursos de Empleo SUD, y vamos a tener un taller de autoempleo que va a comenzar el lunes el 13 de junio.

Él me preguntó sobre mas detalles del taller, como los tiempos especificos y el lugar. Le dijé la información.

Bob: ¿Cuantos cuesta?

Yo: Es gratis, es de la iglesia

Bob: ¿Cual iglesia?

Yo: (pensando el no es miembro de la Iglesia y este es un numero incorrecto) La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias... entonces, ¿es este el numero para Olga?

Bob: ¿Quien?

Yo: Pues, Olga,.. no se como se dice, es Olga 'algo' Herrero

Bob: Oh, si, yo conozco a una Olga Herrero que vivía en este barrio… pero ella murió.

Yo: Oh

Bob: Ahora este es el numero de Bob Villa

Yo: ¿Bob Villa?

Bob: Si

Yo: Ok, gracias..

Y terminamos la conversación. No sé si él va a venir al taller pero eso fue una conversación única y muy interesante y extraña. Hey, at least I understood it all, even though he had trouble understanding me at first.

Speaking of conversations, earlier this week K and I were walking to the CRE, and she was telling me some story about something very normal. We walked by a group of guys walking the opposite direction, and they passed right by me. K stopped in the middle of the story to ask, "Did they touch you?" I said no, and she continued on with her story. Then I realized that was a weird question to have been asked and answered as though it was a completely normal everyday question. It's really not completely out of the blue here though, I had a guy who not only catcalled at me but actually grabbed my arm the other week.

But anyways, after we left the CRE we came home for a bit, and then we went up to the church. The reason we went to the church is because we were practicing for a musical number we're going to be in this Sunday. I actually think it's pretty hilarious. Me, K, and two guys are singing Acompañame in Sacrament meeting. I'm the soprano. I have never in my life performed something where I was the only person singing a part. I don't like to be the center of attention- a solo is something I don't think I could ever do, and honestly I never really thought before that I could be the only person singing a part in a group. I'm not very confident in my singing- I like following the piano or at least another person. This Sunday, however, it will be me singing the soprano part. Oh, and we're singing it acapella. We'll see how this goes. Espero bien.

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