Today we had an awesome conversation with C at the CRE. K had one of the phones that go in C office that we were done using. We were returning it, and K said "think fast" and pretended to throw it to C. Then when he was actually paying attention she did toss him the phone. Right after he caught it he told us not to do that to anyone else here in Honduras because it is considered offensive. We were both surprised by this fact. Luckily C was not offended, and he in fact fits in very well with this American custom we have. He explained to us that here tossing something to someone makes people uncomfortable because it's like tossing something to a dog. After discussing this cultural difference for a bit, C told us to watch from the other room(all the rooms have huge windows so we could see) as he tried to get J to toss him something. We could see him stand at the door as he asked J to toss him a pen. J, who was seated behind a desk, reached forward with the pen as far as his hand would go. C stayed in the doorway and asked him again to toss it to him. He tried to reach further, and another guy sitting kind of between the desk and the doorway took the pen and handed it to C. Then we went in the room and explained to the people in the room the experiment we had just done. It's so cool to learn little random things like that about cultures. I'm going to miss that when I go back to the States. Our time is rapidly ending. It all ends in August.
Yeah, so we totally went to the HP movie tonight. It was a very cultural rich activity : ) It only cost about $3.50 translated to dollars. That's right, be jealous. We debated between going to the movie or the institute dance, but not for long. I've been here long enough now that when thinking about the dance I think about it how I do in the States- they're just not that exciting unless you're really in the mood for them. And this one was another formal one. And the movie was the last HP movie. And it came out today. We made a good choice.
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