Saturday, July 30, 2011
10 Lempiras
Friday, July 22, 2011
Rojo es el nuevo blanco
the view from our room in Tela |
beautiful |
We got very sunburned. |
Pina Coladas at a restaurant on the beach. |
Friday, July 15, 2011
It All Ends
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Fried Green Bananas
You have to use a knife to start peeling them. Then after they're peeled you slice them to fry.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Expect the Unexpected
This statement is as true today as it was in 1857. I've learned to expect the unexpected here in Honduras. Some of my experiences and witnessed scenes in Honduras have included:
-A horse in the middle of the highway just standing there chilling. Actually it was standing there freaking out inside- you could see the fear in its eyes as the hundreds of fast moving cars whizzed by it.
-A snake on the sidewalk in the middle of the city (don’t worry, someone had already crushed its head).
-About a dozen mimes scattered at different corners of an intersection. I couldn’t figure out what they were doing, because they didn’t seem to be miming. This was also the one time I was walking to work by myself, so K wasn’t a fellow witness for this one.
-People catcalling after us- it’s surprising how much English they know! Phrases such as (read with accent) 'hello baby,' 'goodbye my love,' 'your eyes are so beautiful' commonly follow us as we walk. Other men choose to catcall at us in Spanish, which is one time when I’m glad I have to concentrate to understand Spanish. One man (or possible werewolf) chose to howl at us rather than use human language. And one choice individual decided not to use words at all, opting instead to unzip his pants and give us a show.
-Transvestites catcalling us, instead of the regularly dressed men who usually do so.
-The guy who roller skates all around Tegucigalpa, sometimes holding onto buses to be pulled along.
-A mural made from bottlecaps
These and many other experiences have added to my constant amusement here in Honduras. If only I did have a full year to travel Honduras; I can only imagine what other scenes I would witness.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Our Excellent Excursion to El Salvador